Sunday, November 18, 2012

Finally Breaking Dawn Part 2 ♥

Breaking Dawn 2 is finally out on theaters! On 16 November ♥ Have any of you seen it yet? It was such an EPIC finale! My twilight heart was beating so fast when it ended. Its over, the saga♥ Oh I love happily ever afters! Thank you for all these amazing & unforgettable years. Love you forever & miss you already! Harry Potter or Hunger Games, nothing compares to Twilight, right? Its addictive & lifechanging. So I'm Team Twilight always & forever, twihaters can go to hell, we twihards won't stop loving Twilight! Which team are you in- Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight? Okay I'm going to stop comparing them, they're perfect in their own ways. So let me know your opinion about the movie by commenting below, & if you cried tears of joy or sadness, like me. I'll see you soon with more new posties! Bye
Spoiler: The genius writer of Twilight, Stephenie Meyer, wrote another book called ''The Host'' & I think that it'll come out next year, in 2013! So get ready for some more excitement. Xoxo, Maria.