Hi dolls! Stardoll's one of my fav websites & has helped me a lot improving my sense of fashion & being plus feeling like a fashionista ♥ & I absolutely adore stardoll graphics, I think they're so extremely chic sometimes that it hurts! I wish I could make graphics like that but I simply can't :( Here you have me featuring the best of the stylish Stardoll graphics I found online, also my personal favs. I'm just so fascínated by these graphics, & so impressed by the graphic designers instead of being jealous of them. Here they're, hope love them as much as I do. Comment, like, tweet & share if you do.
Don't know who made this one, but whoever that person is, he/she's just so talented!
The graphics above are stolen from Stardoll Eternity Magazine- http://eternitymag.wordpress.com/ Just WOW...Eternity Mag!
Don't know who created this one either, but you just have to know that I love you for creating this! Loving the concept ♥
& those fab graphics you see above, they're stolen from the stardoll graphics blog- http://www.julie-graphics.blogspot.se/ Love Julie as a graphic designer, & her stardoll graphics too!
Taken from Stardoll Forever Chic Magazine- http://foreverchicmagazine.blogspot.se/ Love the outfit the doll's wearing! Nice stylin' ♥
Graphic of Stardoll Trendy Magazine- http://stardoll-trendy-magazine.blogspot.se/ Definitely to die for!
Above are the graphics of- http://www.ciekawszy-stardoll.blogspot.ru/ I'm speechless! So elegant & classy, damn♥
Graphics stolen from Stardoll Vogue Magazine- http://stardoll-vogue-magazine.blogspot.se/ ! Adore both graphics, especially the beautiful graphic of Leighton Meester, my idol from Gossip Girl ♥ The Vogue Magazine cover's stunning too!
Loved graphics & love Sephora Darling Designs-http://www.sephoradarlingdesigns.blogspot.com ! Just so sassy & chic ♥
Graphic by star-medoll, Afrin_98 (Afrin). Great streetstyle!
Graphic by star-medoll, Elliecase (Joao). So feminine, I'm loving it ♥
Both graphics above are from Stardoll's Next Top Graphic Designer- http://stardoll-ntgd.blogspot.pt/
Another graphic I found while browsing the web, don't quite know who it belongs to, all I know is that this is a gorgeous piece of work!
Xoxo, Maria.
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