Hey there beliebers! Teen Vogue's starring the one & only, Justin Drew Bieber as their May 2013 issue's cover star, the world's most famous teen sensation & loved popstar ♥ Justin's getting featured in 2 Teen Vogue covers! Yes, you heard me right! & I have got all the exclusive hot & juicy pics right here on my blog! Today was actually for posting a weekly gossip round-up, but I just couldn't wait longer to share this with you guys ♥ Justin's just so swag & sexy! I think he's an epic & perfect idol ♥ Agree with me? By the way, last week's gossip round-up was HUGE, with lots of celeb, fashion & beauty gossip in it! This week, nothing really exciting has happened in the celebrity world so I'm gonna take it easy here. Let me know if you're a belieber & your opinion about this photoshoot by commenting! Don't forget to like, tweet & share this post with you belieber friends, for Justin's sake? & hey, did I mention that I'm now @pink_belieber on twitter? & also, I would love for you guys to follow my tumblr photo + style diary: http://belieber-fashionista.tumblr.com/ where I fangirl over Justin, 1D boys, Victoria's Secret Models, Gossip Girl, The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, The Carrie Diaries, Coco Chanel, New York City, Paris etc ♥ Enough said, now check out our favorite boy's breath-taking & unque photoshoot:
Pure perfection, right guys?
Nicee body, baby!
Justin, you're killing us with your eyes, lips, hair, oh that look & attitude!
God, stop being such a hottie!
Take a look at what Teen Vogue has to say about here- http://www.teenvogue.com/entertainment/cover-stars/2013-04/justin-bieber ! Watch the fun behind-the-scenes & what Justin said to Teen Vogue about his dream girl- http://www.teenvogue.com/entertainment/cover-stars/2013-04/justin-bieber-video ♥ Oh Biebs, you just crossed the extreme hotness limit here! & did you guys know that Justin is mentioned to be one of the most beautiful persons in the world, by People Magazine? Wow! & now I won't be able to sleep, I just can't take all this swag ♥
Xoxo, Maria.
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